Selma Nour

The heart, it beats, the thunder rolls
The mind does sleep, the body knows

Keep on, keep on, keep on.

Shrine Maiden

Before the sacking and destruction of the Temple of the Fist, Selma's life was devoted to helping those that sought to train their body and soul to pass the route to the Inner Fist.

Breath of the Destroyer

A strongly wind-aspected aetheric presence. Her braids and strands of hair shift constantly as though in a gentle breeze. Those highly attuned to the nature of others aetheric signatures may note the sense of the world lightly breathing around her.

Keeper of Ruins

Likely to be found around the Peaks and Fringes, thoughtfully tending to forgotten holy sites. The Arms of Meed are where she 'takes office', though she is often to be found in Rhalgr's Reach, especially trading and bartering.

The Playercall me: entropy
In-game: Selma Nour - Mateus
Please feel free to message me on tumblr or twitter (linked below) or whisper in game! Selma is not my main, but I am happy to talk about making connections or setting up RP any time.